Hubungan Aktivitas Olahraga dan Pengunaan Smartphone Terhadap Perilaku Keseharian Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Keolahragaan


  • Rizal Afif Pudin universitas negeri padang
  • Endang Sepdanius universitas negeri padang
  • Nugroho Susanto universitas negeri padang
  • Liza universitas negeri padang



Sports activities are one of the important components for every human body around the world. Similarly, with the use of smartphones, almost all humans, especially students, must have them. Based on observations made by researchers, most students' daily behavior is more often accessing their smartphones than sports activities. Therefore, researchers know whether there is a relationship between sports activities and smartphone use on the daily behavior of Sports Science Study Program students. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, the method used is the correlation method. The data collection technique used was distributing questionnaires to research subjects, the subjects used in this study were students with a total of 100 respondents of the Sports Science Study Program at Padang State University with random sampling clusters. The independent variables studied were sports activities and smartphone use, while the dependent variable was the daily behavior of students. The data analysis techniques used are validity tests, reality tests, normality tests, linearity tests and hypothesis tests for analysis tests using pearson correlation analysis with the help of the SPSS 20 program. The results of the hypothesis test using person correlation analysis show that there is a relationship between sports activities and students' daily behavior of 0.570 or it can be said that the level of closeness of the relationship is moderate, there is a relationship between the use of smartphones to students' daily behavior of 0.693 or it can be said that the level of closeness of the relationship is strong. So it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the relationshep between sport activities and the use of smartphone on the daily behavior of student of the Physical Science Study Program.




How to Cite

Rizal Afif Pudin, Endang Sepdanius, Nugroho Susanto, & Liza. (2023). Hubungan Aktivitas Olahraga dan Pengunaan Smartphone Terhadap Perilaku Keseharian Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Keolahragaan . Jurnal IKEOR, 1(4).

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