Pengaruh Latihan Zig-Zag Run Terhadap Kelincahan Pemain Sepakbola Sekolah Sepakbola Bintang Muda Junior (SSB BMJ) Kabupaten Dharmasraya, 2023


  • Denny Mubaroq universitas negeri padang
  • Anton Komaini universitas negeri padang
  • Ridho Bahtra universitas negeri padang
  • Hadi Pery Fajri universitas negeri padang
  • ilham universitas negeri padang



Agility is the ability to change direction or body position quickly and simultaneously with other movements. In this study the training method used to improve agility is the zig-zag run exercise. This research is a quasi-experimental research, using the research design None equivalent control group design. The population in this study were 55 SSB BMJ soccer players in Dharmasraya Regency. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sample and a sample of 22 players. The instrument used in this study was an agility instrument using the Illinois agility test. The results of data analysis before testing the hypothesis, testing the requirements analysis with the normality test (Lilliefors test), then testing the homogeneity with the variance test, then testing the hypothesis with the t test formula. From the research results, it was obtained that the t value for the Zig-Zag Run Exercise was 8.096 and the t table was 1.721, meaning that t count > t table (8.096 > 1.721). There is an average pre-test of 16.59 and an average post-test of 16.07, so the data is normal. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that the Zig-zag Run exercise affects the agility of SSB BMJ players in Dharmasraya Regency..




How to Cite

Denny Mubaroq, Anton Komaini, Ridho Bahtra, Hadi Pery Fajri, & ilham. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Zig-Zag Run Terhadap Kelincahan Pemain Sepakbola Sekolah Sepakbola Bintang Muda Junior (SSB BMJ) Kabupaten Dharmasraya, 2023. Jurnal IKEOR, 1(4).

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